imikimi - Customize Your World

we luv we care we share all in past...present...and future...
imikimi - Customize Your World
sEaLeD wID a KiSS ♥andrea isabelle anne reston quiamco♥ at 12:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: loved
When u just look at the broken heart its just kind of art....but the meaning in the whole picture are so different from it looks...
pain....sadness....emptiness....tears....sorrow....all in there....i know how it pain till u cant describe wid words...i want to share sumtin wid u all guyz...its all about's not easy for us to make 2 hearts become 1....needs a lot of effort on it...hehehe...there is two things happen when u inlove....happy ever after....or.....crying whole night....
happy ever after--when it happen u are the most happiest person on earth.....loving....caring...sharing....everything...built ur own family....having beautiful kids...sharing life and happy the feeling to be love and being in love....spending all the precious time wid the person u love love of ur words can describe it.....everything you do is all about sweet....happy happy happy all the time....
cried all night--when this happen means the love wasn't success....all u get is pain...sadness....emptiness....and do u know this happen to u...???everything u do seems so wrong....feel like crying all the time so pain inside even u dun know what is pain and sumtimes u will ask ur self wat's goin on wid u.....but it's true all the pain u had are not so pain as broken hearted pain.....bla bla bla....forget it....
true story about so painfull when u have to share sum1 u love wid the person he loves.....oh my god....he loves u....but he loves her as was that happen?i dun know...ask can he love 2 person at the same time???i dun know.....but as for me its so hurting me inside....but i cant let him go coz i love him very much....letting him go to sum1 else is letting my self hurt...and just like letting my happiness go....i cant do that maybe im not strong enough to let him go,or maybe im too selfish maybe i rather hurt my self than to see him wid other woman...sumtimes i feel like killing my self softly its juz like happiness in sadness laughting while complicated....i want to let him not ready to loose him...coz my love for him so strong....watchaaaaaa.....anyway its not easy to share sum1 u luv wid others so if u can do that consider ur self as STRONG.....nutin to say anymore....its just "SO DAMN HURT" so remember dun share the person u luv wid other i promise u it's so na na na:p
thats all advice for my self hahahahaha
sEaLeD wID a KiSS ♥andrea isabelle anne reston quiamco♥ at 3:36 AM 0 comments