Thursday, February 26, 2009

Behind The Scene.......

Behind the scene...for this time post i really want to share about "LIFE BEHIND THE SCENE"..what i mean being a "PRODUCTION CREW"..Living in the entertainment world is so much fun..So for today's post i want to share bout this for "AJL 23"..

My self was there during that time
...from an empty stadium to a very grand nite..From nutin to sumtin..."HAPPY HOUR"...hehehehe..Pada masa inilah kita nampak artis yg sebenar(not a bad side of's more to they as what they are...)Pada masa aku berada di belakang pentas aku melihat macam-macam gelagat manusia(artis)..Di kaca television mereka ini memang golongan yang....mcm mana nak sebut ekk...?"FAMOUS" in a real life mereka juga mcm kita...menjalankan aktiviti normal mcm kita...tidak perlu aku jelaskan lebih teperinci yg pasti kamu faham apa yg aku maksudkan...well...that's a life of being an artist...

So utk kali ini aku paparkan beberapa gambar yg aku snap(using my HP je
...) apapun aku puas hati dan happy sangat being part of "LIFE BEHIND THE SCENE"...Rasa bersyukur pun ada...kerana aku tahu bukan semua org bertuah mcm aku tuk merasai apa yang aku rasa..Mungkin pada pendapat org lain"it's just nutin" bg aku aku sukeeeeeee sangat...mungkin juga kerana kau suda sering kali berada di kalangan "PRODUCTION CREW" aku rasa mcm dah sebati sangat...So here it is...enjoy.... loading bay

mE wId sTacY...
mE wiD miMie oNe naTioN MC
mE wiD vocaLisT meeT uncLe HusSaIn
soUnd sYsteM n LighTinG coNtroLLer Area(aku selalu kat aRea ni hehehehe)
PenGacaRa dI MalaM LiVe AJL
maSa fiNal ChaCk sTagE liGhTinG kT AJL
aRtiS RehEarSeL
OrchesTra pRacTicE
sTaGe seT up yg BiaSa Di laKuKaN seMinGGU seBeLum eVeNt

so thats it for now
....see yah olls at my NXT post...daaaaaaa

"may ALLAH bless u all"
