Back to the story...to be honest wid all of u and to my self...i left sum1 i uv n luvin me to much for this creep so damn stupid
...but once again past is past...and now here i am...moving foward wid my life and the person i luv b4......now and forever.....thats the end of my stupid luv story
.....so peepz out there remeber dun let the person u luv n luvin u go coz when u make a wrong decision u will or the rest of ur life...dun make the wrong decision juz like i do coz u will regret juz like me kuikuikui.....luv the person that luvin u...and luv them for who they are not wat they are
..and i hope the wrong person i choose will lived happily ever after
.....na na na na...

mesin crack anda telah berbunyi. Sila periksa dengan pengesahan doktor.
sory for all those thing happend...dont blame urslef..i miss u as much u miss me sis...even there are something happend between us..i know u love the person i love 2 but he have choosen me.why????ask him..but did't mean i can accept all this thing..muahh for u sis..take k..i wiil be there 4 u..
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