Before i started chatting i dont believe that a simple click from their id can spark your life and connect them to your heart
. I always telling mah self that it is a part of fun and after signing off you forget all those things
... Sometimes we meet a lot of pipz in chat rum and you can shout their id's, give your ideas thru topics they had, laugh to those chatterz that you've never seen, and you can also fight those people you wanted to
what a world
... things ive noticed is that everydays passing by i am drown to chatting
, im looking for those people inside that rum, buzz those people behind the monitor, send a lot of hugzzz and kisses, sending crying emoticons if i didnt catch them online its weird but its true
. And the intense i felt is when i was involved with someone which is i notice later… As i prepare for my exciting moves things change, i know he is someone that i have shared not that much with, he has been by my side during some of the pain and my saddest time i think i was fallin… for him
…. which is i cant found to anybody else in the world of chat…i dont know what happen then but i guess the beliefs i have is the real thing so i wake my self and start to cope up maybe i dont deserve him and yet the only thing i know is STOP CHATTING
, yes the hardest things in life is saying goodbye , bye for those i consider my frenz in rum, to those gurlz ive met and ive talk everyday in life, and saying goodbye to the one i truelly involved with. i see so many memories of great time to those great frenz but its a part of life sometimes we have to stop and maybe cont. if we completely move on. I know to the outside world he was only a man in my monitor, but to me he was one my special. It’s a new day today and I should be happy, but I feel empty inside. I know my man in my monitor is better off and im not suffering anymore. That’s what my head says, but my heart doesn’t feel the same. As I sit here infront of my monitor, I can’t help but think about all things in my life that I have had to let go of. I’ve never been very good at good-bye. This will take sometime to recover from, but just like everything else with time it will heal. It’s funny. I miss him already. hehehe…
here's the man in my "MONITOR"


sis honey
sis mas
Non bloggers

sis cheika
neo aka vic

uina. kena tagged lagi. soalan susah lagi tu. adehhh...
uina. kena tagged lagi. soalan susah lagi tu. adehhh...
baru kamu tau...ahahahahaha padan muka...jwb jgn x jawab...
na na na baru kamu tau=))jawab kamu arr=))jgn x jawab=))
zue salam kenal >:D< :*muah comel nye dia. nanti hana turun kl leh lah deting
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